Sunday 7 October 2012

Remember to take time to be thankful of all the good, 
and for God being there with us when we faced difficulties!
All the best to everyone!
Remember- you are loved!!

Please scroll down for the Sunday Flows and other messages.

Lectionary, October 21/12

The feelings of superiority, the feelings of rejection and wanting to get even, the feelings that you deserve better than everyone else, really come from  the devil and Jesus freed us from them. We can go boldly to God, repenting of those thoughts and emotions and receive the help we need to overcome them and be filled with the nature of Christ instead.

Psalm 91: 9-16
No evil will conquer you. No bad attitude which is from the devil can come upon you . You have the nature of Christ, for He dwells in you! The Lord says that He will rescue those who love Him. He will rescue you from the fear and bad emotions that the devil tries to burden you with.
The Lord says- I will satisfy you because I love you, I will satisfy your thirst, your hunger- for food, for good news, for answers, for happy feelings, for inspiration, for love, for success. I am He who made you, I love you and want you to be fulfilled and happy.

Hebrews 6: 1-20
We can trust God to fulfill His promises to us. We are confident that He will do it and that confidence is like a strong anchor for our souls. This confidence leads us through the veil into the Holy of Holies where God is. Jesus went in before us preparing the way, so we can go into the presence of God knowing that He will grant us our requests.

Psalm 91: 31
I will fill my heart with God's promises to me so I will ever be encouraged to do good and forget the wrong ways. God's Spirit will bring the peace of Christ into my heart and will transform my heart into that of Christ.

Genesis 14: 17-24
Even when Abram could have taken advantage over others, he still remained humble and did only what God told him to do.

John 13: 1-17
Show love to each other, for that is the path of blessing. If you chase after the comforts of this world, and manage to heap up many of them in your life time, you will not possess the true riches. Give to others in need and you will be truly blessed!

Mark 10: 35-45
The leader of all is the servant of all.

Songs: Just To Be With You, Your Love Never Fails, The Everlasting God, Everlasting God, I Adore You.

God Knows!

Lectionary, October 14/12

God does not expect us to be able to be righteous enough on our own strength or credibility to get into Heaven. God understands our weaknesses and that's why God sent Jesus and gives us the help of the Holy Spirit daily.

Hebrews 4: 12-16
God knows everything, so we might as well be honest to Him and everyone all the time!
We have Jesus, tempted in all the ways we are, yet without sin, so He understands what we go through and can still be the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Because of Him we can come boldly to the throne of our gracious God to receive his mercy and grace to help us when we need it.

Mark 10: 17-31
Humanly speaking, it is impossible for anyone to enter the Kingdom of God, bur that which is impossible for man is possible with God. Everything is possible with God. We are given the Holy Spirit to make it possible!

Matthew 15: 1-9
Evil words come from an evil heart and defile the person who says them. If you say something hurting, ask yourself- is there any bitterness or hatred in my heart? God can heal you and give you a good attitude of heart that will speak good things.

Psalm 26
I have chosen your ways so please grant me mercy.
I am constantly aware of your unfailing love.
That gives me the strength and encourages me to continue doing your will.

Another thought comes- Am I doing my things God's way, or...
am I doing God's will, God's way?!

Your Love Never Fails, My Redeemer, Your Love Oh Lord, Lord I lift Your Name On High, Only You, Shout To The Lord, Hope Of The Nations.
October 7/2012

This week's lectionary has scriptures about man's authority and what God has given to us through Christ.

Genesis 2: 18-24
We are created in God's image so we are created for relationships. We have the need for companionship and friendship.

Psalm 8
God gave man authority over everything God made.

Psalm 26
I am constantly aware of your unfailing love. I give thanks to you and tell of your love. I do what's right following what you are speaking to me.

Hebrews 1: 1-4, 2: 5-12
We are God's children, brothers and sisters of Jesus. We inherit all that Jesus has. He is seated at the right hand of God, so we are too. God is sharing His glory with us!