Saturday 25 July 2015

August Prayers and Meditations


This month's theme:                                   

This summer the theme is "Love one another." How does that theme relate to the LGBTQQI Community? Love is always being shared in our community. However the common experience has been the lack of acceptance from family members and members of similar faith. That's where our community comes in! And we know that God is like a close friend to all!

What we are praying for:

So we pray that God brings healing and reconciliation between family members and when that does not happen, that God bring healing to those in the community who suffer from the rejection and that they find family among friends around them. 


1John 4:11-13. We know we are of God because we have God's love in our hearts.
1John 4:7,8.      If we love we know God because God is love.
John 13:34.       Jesus commanded us to love one another.
Romans 13: 8,10.  If you love your neighbour, you will fulfil the requirements of God's law. Love does no wrong to anyone, so love satisfies all of God's requirements.
Galatians 5: 13-15. For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: "Love your neighbour as yourself." 

Let's build up our great community for everyone's sake! We will all benefit and the world will see that we are born of God!

I dedicate this month's prayer blog to 
my sister, Sheila, who was not only my sister, 
but a good friend! 
See you in the morning Sheila!

Saturday 4 July 2015

July Prayers and Meditations


Let's love one another!

This month's theme:
Love one another!
We can't do it, so we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit who leads us into truth and enables us to love.

Let's pray that everyone in the LGBTQI Community and the downtown core will continue to let the love of God heal them 
and flow through them to everyone around them.

1John 4:7,8.       If you love, you know God.

Ephesians 2:8.  We can't do it. Even faith is a gift from God. 
                          Everything good within us is a gift from God.

Romans 5:5.      The Holy Spirit is given to us so we can truly love 
                          and therefore truly know God.

1John 4:16, 17, 19.            God is love and all who love live in God and God lives in them.
                                          And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect.
                                          We love each other as a result of God loving us first.

Why the song for this month: 

There was a time I could not understand how I could be holy. I felt a long way from being like God! Then I believe God asked me a question. 
God said, ' Do you have my love in your heart?" I said, "Yes, that's how I know you and can love people and forgive!"
God said, " Then you are holy. You are counted holy in my kingdom because of my love in your heart. That makes you holy." 
God reminded me of this and I feel there is nothing I could say, for I know I am holy only because of what God has done for me, 
so I sing the song in reply, " Holy is your name". 
God is the holy one! 
Remember the scripture Romans 5:5 that says the Holy Spirit puts God's love in our hearts.

Focus on God and you will be able to love! 


Wednesday 1 July 2015

 Be true to you!
 Tell your story!!


Then others will be encouraged to do the same!!!