Thursday 26 March 2015

Hillsong United - Holy Spirit Rain Down


April showers bring May flowers!

In Spring everything awakens to new life, but there is a lot of preparation that takes place in nature in order for that to happen. So let's take the time to prepare ourselves and the community we are praying for to get ready for new life to be born!

What we are praying for:

Let's continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will rain down on the LGBTQI Community here and over the world to prepare hearts to receive God's seeds of hope, love and peace.

Let's pray that God will raise up the right people to spread the news of God's love so people in our community will have the chance to hear and receive.

This Month's Theme:
Let's allow the Holy Spirit to prepare our hearts so we can hear God's message to us!

Queen Esther's story:
This story has inspired my view on praying for the community.
Please read her story prayerfully. How did she prepare herself before entering the courts of the king? 
How did she present herself and her requests to the king? Ask God to prepare you to hear the message prepared for you and ask God to show you how to pray.
Here is some of my inspiration:
Chapter 5:1-4. After prayer Esther put on her royal robes, then approached the king and humbly invited him to a banquet where she would tell him her requests.
5:5-7 She made herself very beautiful and did everything she knew to move the king's heart. She invited him to a second banquet giving God the chance to move in the king's heart by the Holy Spirit.
7:1-7. Esther humbly but simply asked for mercy for her people. The king could not revoke the law that the Jews be killed, but he did make a new decree that saved them.

If we put our faith in Jesus Christ, it's like putting on His royal robes, and if we let the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with God's love, we can enter the presence of God to pray for this world which is in such dire need.

Put yourself in Queen Esther's shoes, such a humble place!
As God has all authority and knows everything, what could we say?!
Better to be humble and simply ask for God to move in our community and do what only God can do! 


Ephesians 5:18. continually be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Luke 5:4. Get ready for a haul!
James 5:7,8. Be patient, God will bring a harvest!
Galatians 5:22. As the Holy Spirit guides us we will develope good fruit within.

Thank you for joining in this month's prayers. God bless you in your journey of faith!

I Am The Resurrection Folk Mass Ray Rep 1966


Happy  Resurrection  Day!!!!!!!!!!!

If the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He shall raise you to life eternal!!  ( from Romans 8:11)