Saturday 1 July 2023

July 2023, Summer is here at last!

The Magic is in you!!

The power to love, the power to heal and the power to dream!!

Everyone has the ability to connect with Creation, and to connect with the Creator to know what their life is about!

2 Peter 1:3,4. His divine power has given us everything we need for a Godly life and His Holy Spirit changes us to have the nature of Christ.


Get Your Hopes Up, Josh Baldwin, click here!

Reason, Unspoken, click here!

 Each person makes a difference and we need each other to have the strength to keep going!

If you give up there will be an empty space no one can fill!

1 Corinthians 12 4-11. Every person has talents they are good at and we all differ, but it is the Spirit of God that inspires and blesses those talents.

The fire is in each one of us to connect and hear who we are and why we are here!

John 16: 13. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth will reveal the truth to you, if you ask honestly and willingly. The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Christ to us and in us.

Acts 2: 1-4. When they gathered and were waiting for God to speak to them the Holy Spirit came and filled them.

July Prayer Blog 2022, click here!

 Let your talents be light for others to see!

Matthew 5:16. Let people see your talents so they can be thankful to God and benefit from your example!

PRIDE pics 2023, click here!


What we are praying for:

God, please be our light. Help us to see the way you have for us to love and thrive.

God, bring your peace to our neighbourhood and throughout our city.

God, bring all those in poverty and those being persecuted to your place of provision and safety.

God, please help our governments all over the world to work together in peace to solve the world's problems between nations and the problems with the planet's environment.

In your name we pray, Amen!


Thanks for praying with us!

Mosaic at the 519 Community Center