Sunday 21 February 2016

Happy Easter!!

 God raised Jesus to life! God will raise us from the dead too when eternity comes, but now God makes our lives new every day!!

Christ is the first of all who will rise from the dead. For God was pleased to live in Christ, and by him God made peace with everyone. He has done this through his death on the cross in his own human body. ( Taken from Colossians 1:23 )

March Prayers


Spring is on the way!

March can be messy and at best dull! Let's look forward to Spring even if everything is grey! Let's remember that God's blessings are all around us even if they are not obvious. Let's look for them and be thankful every day. Remember that the snowy and rainy days are preparing the soil for the new life that's coming very soon.

What we are praying for:

Let's pray that everyone in the LGBTQI Community will never lose hope and that they will open their hearts to the blessings that God has prepared for them.

This month's theme:

Every day is new! God in our lives will make our experience new every day. New challenges, new ways of looking at things, new ideas to make a better future, new ways to love!
This year Easter is early. Not only can we look for new life in our daily lives, but we can remember that we too one day will be raised up to live with God forever as Jesus was. 


Hosea 6:3. Let us press on to know God, who comes to us every day
like the brilliant dawn, like a fresh spring rain!

Lamentations 3:23. God's mercies are fresh every day.

Psalm 139: 7-10. No matter where I go your hand will guide me,
your strength will support me.

James 1: 17. Every good gift is from God.

Psalm 23:6. God's goodness follows us throughout our lives and we will
live with God forever.

Spring is on the way!!