Sunday 4 November 2012

Christmas 2012

Nut Shell:
God's plan is amazing! 
Your plans and dreams may have been ruined, but God has a far greater plan for your life! There is the nitty gritty, hard work you may have to face for God's plan to be fulfilled in your life, but it's still better than anything you could have done! And we are being brought by God into that plan. Each and everyone of us is part of God's plan to bring salvation to the world.
God alone fills us and brings us into that plan.

The Service:
I chose songs to reflect on what it must have been like for Joseph and Mary that first Christmas. What was it like for them trying to hear from God and understand the plan God had for them. how difficult was it for them to actually carry out their part in God's plan? How does their experience relate to our own struggles to hear from God and do what God is guiding us to do?

During the times when Joseph and Mary lived, all of Israel was looking for their Saviour to come. They were oppressed by the Roman Empire. It was hard times for them. They were looking for their deliverer to come from God. They were looking for the Messiah. 
Song: O Come, O Come Emmanuel 

In relating to Joseph, I was thinking that he couldn't always hear God and struggled to understand God's will for him. So- God spoke to Him in a dream. I know that in my life, there have been times when really important things came quickly and clearly, but, most other times I have to seek God, really search for God to get the answers I need for my life. Joseph was facing a real crisis, feelings of betrayal and fear of rejection. It was an issue of honour and he was afraid for Mary's life. It looked like his hopes and dreams were ruined and his reputation.
But God was always there for him and had a wonderful plan for his life.
 Song: Speak To Me  

Hearing from God can be both exciting and frightening.Sometimes there is responsibility in what you hear and you may have to face resistance from others who aren't open to God's will. It must have been both exciting and frightening for Joseph.Think about it. Everyone was looking for the Messiah to come and free them from their suffering and here God was choosing Joseph to be a part of the plan to deliver Israel! Joseph would have known what resistance he would have to face from his family and friends and the village he lived in. But when you have that deep conviction in your heart, you know god will take care of everything, including you. like Mary, Joseph had to surrender and trust God. 
Think again of God's plan. How amazing! The Messiah was now coming, the one who would deliver them forever, and He was coming-  as a baby!! 
Song: Amazed 

You may think it was so spiritual, so glorious for Mary to be visited by an angel, like - WOW! But the bible says that Mary was confused at the angel's greeting and the angel told her to not be afraid. It must have been exciting for Mary to hear the plan of God and know that she was the one to give birth to our saviour, but what about the implications? She faced so much adversity in her village, rejection, people talking badly of her. If Joseph rejected her, she could face death! She kept trusting and we know that Joseph did take her as wife, being obedient to God. But it was a difficult journey for them both. And then when Mary was nine months pregnant, she had to endure a long ride on a donkey to Bethlehem! I can't imagine how hard that was for her! And then when they got to Bethlehem, there was no place to stay, so she gave birth in a cold, smelly stable! That was tough!
But think of how wonderful it must have been to finally hold that precious little baby in her arms, seeing the promise of God fulfilled right before her eyes! And knowing this baby would become the Saviour of the world!

How does that relate to us? What trials, what crisis must we face in our lives. But God is with us to help us get through them and the plan that God has is far greater than anything we could ever have come up with! 
How do the decisions we make affect the big picture? The people around us, or those in the future?   We must trust God for everything! God's plan is the only one that will really work. God is brilliant!
So we may be thinking, oh, what can God do?!  
Through Joseph and Mary, just an average couple of people in a tiny village in the desert, God brought us our Lord, the one who would save us forever! 
How brilliant is That?!
Song: What Child Is this?  

Giving into God's will, yielding your heart and soul, that's when real revelation comes, wisdom and understanding from God comes. That is very exciting even if you must face adversity from others because you realize that God's answer is the only way.
In the story of Joseph and Mary, God's plan was the only way for all of us to be saved. God's plan was brilliant beyond anything we could have imagined!

And we are being brought into that plan. Each and everyone of us is part of God's plan to bring salvation to the world. God alone fills us and brings us into that plan. God brings us into the rhythm of that plan. 

Songs: I Adore You, Nothing Can Trouble  

Thought from Katherine Brittain's message:
How appropriate that God came as a baby, to remind us that we should never take our eyes off of Him! If you take your eyes off a baby for even a second, they can get into all kinds of things and create quite a mess! If we take our eyes off of God for just a second, we could find ourselves in a mess and have to quickly turn our attention back to find the way out!

Songs: O Little Town Of Bethlehem, Hope Of The Nations. 

God's Provision

Nut shell:
It's the message I've been hearing over and over. The things we think we need to ask God for are already done. But we need to make ourselves available to receive them. God won't ask us to do anything that He hasn't already made provision for.

Live Transformed Series: Health, by Dr. Jim Richards
In the gospels, john says that he wishes we would prosper even as our souls prosper. What is happening in our souls is going to keep us healthy. 
( or make us ill ) What is happening in our soul comes out of the beliefs of the heart. The core of health of the New Testament believer is about managing your beliefs and your emotions. If you, by the grace of God manage your beliefs and emotions, you will turn your health around.
Jim was asked, what would be a great testimony of his ministry. Now, Jim does think healing is a great testimony and has had many at his meetings, but this is what he said. "A great testimony for me is not : You came to my church, I went to an altar call, you laid hands on me and I got healed right on the spot. a great testimony for me is: You came to my church, I went to one of your meetings,  I went home and I started dealing with my issues and suddenly I realized, I don't have this problem any more."
I think Jim meant by issues: our heart beliefs. In other broadcasts he has said that it's not so much asking God to give us what we need as it is letting go of wrong concepts, ideas and beliefs about ourselves and God, and then we receive those things which God has already done for us.  I think he is saying, when we don't believe we have those things, then of course we cannot receive them, even when God has already given them. The problem is not on God's end, but our end.

Lectionary, November 4/12
Psalm 51
v. 6: But you desire honesty from the heart so you can teach me to be wise in my inmost being.
v.17: The sacrifice you want is a broken spirit. A broken spirit and a repentant heart, O God. you will not despise.
v.10- 12: Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me. Don not banish me from your presence and don't take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and make me willing to obey you.

Psalm 119:  Happy are people of integrity who follow the Lord; God never gives up on them!

Psalm 146:  The writer asks God to give Him the right attitude so he can teach sinners and do the will of God with joy. That acknowledges our need as humans for God's help to obey Him.

Songs: Only You, Create In Me A Clean Heart, Come And Fill Our Hearts, Be Thou My Vision, My All In All.

My new Day Nov. 8/12
Dr. Jim Richards , Life Transformed Series.

If we don't have the beliefs of the heart to support where we are going, we will always quit. 
We cannot comfortably exceed the beliefs of our heart. 
We cannot comfortably exceed our self perception.
What is shaping our beliefs? Media? Advertizing?

The human body is hugely adaptable. What we do over and over trains our body to do it that way, positive or negative.

We don't want the goal to be: I want to get healed, because once you are healed, then you go back to the unhealthy things that caused the problem in the first place.
We want the goal to be: I want to be healthy. That is a never ending goal and if your heart is in that, it will keep you motivated your whole life.

For those who have constantly started and stopped, there is something within reach that you can actually do and if you do it properly, then you will get great benefits from it. 

See and embrace yourself living healthy.

(Bob) Then you can see and know where you are going.  

Create a character sketch: What would it look like of you were healthy. What would I be doing?This is designed so that you will set goals that engage the heart and then the goals you set will last a life time.  

Fall back in love with yourself!

My New Day,November15/12
Dr. Jim Richards Life transformed Series

Your health, emotions and spiritual life all mirror each other. As time goes on it gets easier. You must do what fits naturally in your life, or you won't continue, you'll quit. your beliefs about anything must be consistent with you're having a sense of dignity and worth based on who you are in Christ.

You don't want something that is not consistent with how God wants you to live.

What you believe about yourself is what your life is going to become, even your physiological part of your life. For example; if you focus on health, your body will automatically adjust to the weight that is right for you. If you can't accept yourself where you are, you cannot get out of where you are. It's not accepting where you are, but accepting yourself even if you are not where you want to be. You can't do it mentally, you can only do it through the beliefs of the heart, the perspective of the heart, connecting with who you are in Christ.
When you are stuck in guilt and shame, not accepting yourself, what a better way to punish yourself than to keep your self in those things you hate.

Love and accept yourself, and accept the fact that God loves you, and Jesus died for you. that's how much worth you have.
With your hands held in front of you, palms upward, and fingers curled inward, tap your palms together gently, bringing them together at the base of the baby fingers, where the skin creases. Do it for 10 to 20 seconds. While you do it say to your self: I love and accept myself even though I am or do or have ( the thing that I hate.) You can do it when you find yourself thinking about that thing you hate about yourself.
In time you will start thinking differently about yourself.

Dr. Jim Richards, My New Day, November 22, 2012
Last program of Live Transformed Series.

Nut shell:
The more I can see what I would look like being healthy, the more that becomes normal and safe and familiar to me and the more my heart will automatically take me to that place.
< It will become natural for me to live that way.>

From the program:
I must love and accept myself where I am. When I love and accept myself, I no longer need to punish myself.
What a better way to punish myself than to hold on to the things I hate. If I forgive myself and love myself, then I can let go of those things for I no longer have need of them to punish myself.
I must put off all that which is not consistent with what Jesus has for me and put on the truth which is who I am and what I have in Christ.

Expand on your character sketch. Look at different areas of your life. If I was healthy, how would I eat and what activities would I be doing? Claim health, strength, skill in each area of your life.

Nut shell for whole series:
It's not that we have to go to God to get those things we need. They have already been done for us. We have everything we need in Christ. It's what we believe in our hearts about ourselves that stops us from having what God has already given to us through Christ. We must change our heart beliefs to line up with God's word and then we will be able to receive those things God has given us through Christ.

Each Season passing gives new opportunities to learn and change. Saying Goodbye always means saying Hello to new experiences and offers a chance to be stretched and to grow. 

Sunday 7 October 2012

Remember to take time to be thankful of all the good, 
and for God being there with us when we faced difficulties!
All the best to everyone!
Remember- you are loved!!

Please scroll down for the Sunday Flows and other messages.

Lectionary, October 21/12

The feelings of superiority, the feelings of rejection and wanting to get even, the feelings that you deserve better than everyone else, really come from  the devil and Jesus freed us from them. We can go boldly to God, repenting of those thoughts and emotions and receive the help we need to overcome them and be filled with the nature of Christ instead.

Psalm 91: 9-16
No evil will conquer you. No bad attitude which is from the devil can come upon you . You have the nature of Christ, for He dwells in you! The Lord says that He will rescue those who love Him. He will rescue you from the fear and bad emotions that the devil tries to burden you with.
The Lord says- I will satisfy you because I love you, I will satisfy your thirst, your hunger- for food, for good news, for answers, for happy feelings, for inspiration, for love, for success. I am He who made you, I love you and want you to be fulfilled and happy.

Hebrews 6: 1-20
We can trust God to fulfill His promises to us. We are confident that He will do it and that confidence is like a strong anchor for our souls. This confidence leads us through the veil into the Holy of Holies where God is. Jesus went in before us preparing the way, so we can go into the presence of God knowing that He will grant us our requests.

Psalm 91: 31
I will fill my heart with God's promises to me so I will ever be encouraged to do good and forget the wrong ways. God's Spirit will bring the peace of Christ into my heart and will transform my heart into that of Christ.

Genesis 14: 17-24
Even when Abram could have taken advantage over others, he still remained humble and did only what God told him to do.

John 13: 1-17
Show love to each other, for that is the path of blessing. If you chase after the comforts of this world, and manage to heap up many of them in your life time, you will not possess the true riches. Give to others in need and you will be truly blessed!

Mark 10: 35-45
The leader of all is the servant of all.

Songs: Just To Be With You, Your Love Never Fails, The Everlasting God, Everlasting God, I Adore You.

God Knows!

Lectionary, October 14/12

God does not expect us to be able to be righteous enough on our own strength or credibility to get into Heaven. God understands our weaknesses and that's why God sent Jesus and gives us the help of the Holy Spirit daily.

Hebrews 4: 12-16
God knows everything, so we might as well be honest to Him and everyone all the time!
We have Jesus, tempted in all the ways we are, yet without sin, so He understands what we go through and can still be the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Because of Him we can come boldly to the throne of our gracious God to receive his mercy and grace to help us when we need it.

Mark 10: 17-31
Humanly speaking, it is impossible for anyone to enter the Kingdom of God, bur that which is impossible for man is possible with God. Everything is possible with God. We are given the Holy Spirit to make it possible!

Matthew 15: 1-9
Evil words come from an evil heart and defile the person who says them. If you say something hurting, ask yourself- is there any bitterness or hatred in my heart? God can heal you and give you a good attitude of heart that will speak good things.

Psalm 26
I have chosen your ways so please grant me mercy.
I am constantly aware of your unfailing love.
That gives me the strength and encourages me to continue doing your will.

Another thought comes- Am I doing my things God's way, or...
am I doing God's will, God's way?!

Your Love Never Fails, My Redeemer, Your Love Oh Lord, Lord I lift Your Name On High, Only You, Shout To The Lord, Hope Of The Nations.
October 7/2012

This week's lectionary has scriptures about man's authority and what God has given to us through Christ.

Genesis 2: 18-24
We are created in God's image so we are created for relationships. We have the need for companionship and friendship.

Psalm 8
God gave man authority over everything God made.

Psalm 26
I am constantly aware of your unfailing love. I give thanks to you and tell of your love. I do what's right following what you are speaking to me.

Hebrews 1: 1-4, 2: 5-12
We are God's children, brothers and sisters of Jesus. We inherit all that Jesus has. He is seated at the right hand of God, so we are too. God is sharing His glory with us!

Sunday 2 September 2012

Seeing the perfect example of Jesus, how do we ever get to that?? Living the life of love is the way to all that is spiritual and pleasing to God, but we can't trust ourselves to always be doing that. So- as Jesus did, we must rely on the Holy Spirit to change us into loving people and help us to do the things we should. Love is the fulfillment of the law, and the Holy Spirit fills our hearts with God's love so we will not stray from that.
September 30, 2012

You are salt and light!!

RCL, September 23, 2012

God formed me in my mother's womb!
Perfect and wonderful creation!

Psalm 139: 1-18b
I fell asleep for a long time, but I awoke to find you are still with me and have always been!
You  know my beginning and my end. You know everything I have done, felt, thought and every attitude good or bad, everything in my heart!Yet you are still here by my side!
How marvellous to know you and know that you will never leave! It's taking me a lifetime to get to know you, but you know me through and through and yet you still choose me to be one of your own!
What could ever be said or done in response- nothing could repay! We are ever endebted to you. But by your spirit we just want to be with you! That is the only reward we want from you and it's the only requirement from you: that we accept your sacrifice and remain with you. All praise and honour belong to you!!

Songs:  Just To Be With You ( Baloche), The Everlasting God, Faithful Father, Here I Am To Worship, I Adore You, Arms Of Love, Amazed

Words of healing- the only way to walk in love.

September 16, 2012

Mark 8: 27-38

To know Jesus is to know who we are.
To know Jesus is to be like Him.
He is our life, our existence, our power, and who and what we are revolves around who we think Jesus is, the man, the Messiah, the righteous one, full of wisdom beyond everyone else, the pure one, the one who died for us, the risen one, Son of God, all powerful, almighty, loving, forgiving, healing, all seeing and knowing, our King and judge, our brother, our friend who would do anything for us! Walking with us, guiding us, comforting us, helping and protecting in every situation, no matter what! He is there for us and will be forever!
Lectionary, September 9, 2012

Isaiah 35: 4-7a
Say to those who have toiled long and are growing tired and to those who have become afraid;
God will come with healing and restore your land. He will heal both the people and the land!

Psalm 125
Those who trust in God will never be defeated in their battles, their trials, the problems they face or any crisis. While they are going through trials it may not look like they are being delivered, but they are!
All the time, God surrounds and protects us. 
The time will come when God will take away the evil and those who are righteous through Christ will remain and have peace at last!

From Joyce Myer's broadcast, September 6, 2012

Jeremiah 17: 7-8
Our suffering doesn't glorify God, but our attitude during suffering does. Are you rooted in love?
Some receive the miracle of being delivered from trials, but others have the miracle of staying loving and trusting while going through the trials. That defeats the devil, keeping the faith during trial, staying a loving person during trial.

Suggested songs:
The Everlasting God, Everlasting God, He Did Not Bring us Out This Far, Blessed Be Your Name, Faithful Father, Hosanna.
Continuing in love!
Coming soon!

What does God expect of us?

Lectionary September, 2, 2012

This week's reading is very simple, but it is very exciting to me, because it answers the question- how do we ever get to become the example of Jesus in our lives on Earth from where we are now? How do we ever get to be like Him and do the things He did? How could we ever love as He?

What God wants is very simple. Do good and what is right to each other, be a loving person, a helpful and good neighbour and all God's blessings will come to you. We all want great miracles, signs and wonders! Fantastic, spectacular things happening! Lots of noise and excitement!!
But what did God do? God came down to Earth born as a helpless baby, grew up as an average middle class man who just loved people, taught in the synagogue, and helped the poor. Miracles came out of that and as we live our lives in a loving way, miracles can come out of our lives too. Having Jesus live an ordinary life in a loving way prepared Him and the people around Him for His ministry. Not only did Jesus heal the sick and feed the hungry miraculously, He taught us how to live and usher in His Kingdom just through loving each other. God is love and wherever there is love, God is there.

Psalm 15
Who may spend time in God's presence?
Those who speak truth with sincere hearts and refuse to slander others or harm them in anyway.

Psalm 45: 1-2, 6-9
From verse 6, 7:  Your throne O God endures forever, your royal power is expressed in justice. You love what is right and hate what is wrong. Therefor God has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else.

Chain References for Psalm 15:

Zechariah 8:16  The Lord's love for mankind is passionate and strong! The Lord wishes to live in everyone's hearts. As we allow God to live in our hearts, we will be called faithful for the Holy spirit will make us so. Then we will enjoy all the benefits of that.
God will make our cities safe to live in. God will be faithful and just to us. God will plant seeds of peace and prosperity among us. We will enjoy abundance. We ourselves will be a source of blessing. People from all over the world will come to us asking for a blessing from God. "And they will say, " Please let us walk with you, for we have heard that God is with you."
To gain all this, you must continue pursuing God and doing good to others. Pursue in every situation what is right to do. Be truthful to each other. Never tell anything false that would hurt anyone. Love truth and peace and God will turn your times of mourning into festivals of joy and celebration.

Ephesians 4: 25, 26a
Tell your neighbour the truth because we belong to each other and don't let anger cause you to sin.

Psalm 34: 12-14.
Do any of you want to live a life that is long and good? Then watch your tongue! Keep your lips from telling lies! turn away from evil and do good. Work hard at living in peace with others.

Leviticus 19:13-18
Be respectful and fair to all no matter if they are poor or challenged in some way. Don't try to benefit yourself at the expense of others.

Exodus 23: 1-3.
Don't be swayed by the majority. Don't disrespect the poor.

Chain References for Psalm 45: 6,7.

Psalm33: 4,5
For the word of the Lord holds true, and everything He does is worthy of our trust. He loves whatever is just and good, and His unfailing love fills the Earth.

Psalm 21:6 The joy above all other joy is the joy of being in the presence of God. We have the same joy that has been given to Jesus!
We have been given the joy of knowing that we are forgiven and loved, the joy of knowing that we will live with God forever, the joy of knowing that we will be protected in perfect peace forever!
That's cause for celebration everyday and what better way to do that than by helping others in need. That is what Jesus showed us: to love one another for if you do that, you fulfill the whole law because when you are helping others, you won't do anything to hurt them. As you are helping others, you are getting to know them, your love for them grows and because you are investing your time in them, you care what happens to them.
Jesus did this himself by waiting on God for the help of the Holy Spirit. We are encouraged by His example to do the same. The Holy Spirit fills our hearts with God's love and inspires us what to do to help others. It's the Holy Spirit that empowers us to do God's will. If you can't hear the Holy Spirit for what ever reason, then return to love, do something out of love, for love is the basis of everything good! Where there is love, there is God!

Above All, Only You, How Great Is Our God, Be Thou My Vision, Take My Life And Let It Be, Carry Your Love.

Thursday 2 August 2012

Make Yourself Available!

It's not about fighting with God for the answers. You don't need to fight with God for anything.
It's really about fighting with yourself, isn't it? Convincing yourself to yield to God's will for your life. When you do, then you will receive what you really need and will receive the happiness and the peace that you've been longing for. It's coming into agreement as to what is truly best for you. Letting the best answers come that are part of the big picture, the overall plan of life, your life, and the lives of those around you. It's making yourself available to what's already been done. God is good, God is love and God has already made provision for you.

'"Make yourself available to that which is already there."   Rev. Alan Jones, Dean, Grace Cathedral.
RCL Aug. 26

What I get from this week's reading is that God is looking for those with the right attitude towards Him. He watches over them to protect them and bless them. What God is looking for are those who are humble, repentant of hurtful ways and are willing to learn.         

Psalm 34: 15- 22
The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right; His ears are open to their cries for help. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those who are crushed in spirit.

Some scriptures from a chain reference study:  ( from the Imperial Analytical Study Edition )

Psalm 145: 18
The Lord is close to all who call on Him in truth.
John 4: 24
God is looking for those who worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Psalm 51: 17
A broken and repentant heart is the sacrifice that God wants.
Isaiah 57: 15
The Lord lives with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. He refreshes the humble and gives new courage to those with repentant hearts. ( If you feel too guilty or "bad" to go to God- just ask God to come, He will forgive you and give you the courage and strength you need in whatever situation you are facing!)
Isaiah 66: 2
God will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts.
Isaiah 61: 1
The Lord will comfort and set free those who are repentant in heart.

contrite: feeling or expressing remorse or penitence, affected by guilt, filled with the desire for atonement.

Suggested songs:
Everlasting God, Only You, Be Thou My Vision, All The Heavens, Here I Am To Worship, I Adore You ( Jesus Culture), Arms Of Love, Holy Spirit Come, Hosanna. 

Photo of Dream Circus performing at Buskerfest 2012, St. Lawrence Market, Toronto.
RCL Aug. 19
The beginning of wisdom...

Nut Shell
Know the heart of Christ on all issues and understand what His will is for you. If you have Christ, you have God, because He is all that God is. The true wisdom is from God. To receive it you must accept Chist as your saviour and ask for the Holy Spirit to fill you. Christ's blood cleanses us from sin and makes us holy so we can enter God's presence and receive the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Christ to us.

The problem comes when we have interpreted the sciptures by the concepts and judgements of the society we grew up in and won't accept what God is saying to us through the Holy spirit. We need to know God to gain understanding of life, of what God means to us, how we fit into the big picture. Some think that if we read the Bible, we will know God, but we tend to read half the story with those preconceived ideas and then come to our own conclusions based on our understanding from society's influence. It's better to get to know Jesus, the man and that way get to know God. Jesus is everything that God is, so we can look at His life and what He said to get to really know God.

The scripture readings:

Proverbs 9: 1-6
Learn how to be wise and begin to live! Teach the wise and they will be wiser! (Because they will listen and learn.) Knowledge of the Holy One results in understanding. ( What does Jesus think about it?) If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit.

Psalm 111
Everything God does reveals His glory and majesty. ( Is it mercifull, is it just, is it loving and kind? If it is God's work or God's word, it will be all those things.) God is not a judge without mercy and He is not unwise or unreasonable. God will always be just and have reasons for what He does, always considering the wellbeing of all who are affected.
All God does is just and good and all His commandments are trustworthy. They are forever true, to be obeyed faithfully and with integrity. ( How can you do that if you are not interpreting the Bible correctly?) Reverence for the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. ( You are not being reverent if you are using God's word wrongly.)

Ephesians 5: 15-20
So be careful how you live, not as fools, but as those who are wise. Don't act thoughtlessly, but try to understand what the Lord wants you to do. Let the Holy Spirit fill and control you.

Suggested songs:
Today, Everlasting God, Everlasting, Only You, How Great Is Our God, Arms Of Love, Undivided Heart, We Bow Down, Hope Of The nations, Carry Your Love.
From the RCL, August 12/12

Nutshell: In the midst of tragedy and failure, God still provides for those who are obedient and He continues to bring His plans to fruition, even if people continue to resist them.

1 Kings 19: 4-8
Even though the people rejected Elijah, killed the prophets of God and destroyed the altars, God still followed through on His plans. God watched over Elijah throughout this time. When he was fleeing Jezebel, God made provision for him, strengthened him for the journey and brought him to a safe place at Mount Sinai. There, God spoke to Elijah and sent him back to continue the plans he was called to do. God sent Elijah back to anoint two kings and to anoint Elisha to be God's next prophet.

Psalm 34: 1-8
Be encouraged! Take heart!! For God will take away all your fears and will take away all shame. God hears all who call for help and rescues them!

Also from this week's lectionary:
Ephesians 5: 1-14
Live a life filled with love for others, following the example of Christ. The light within you produces only what is good, right and true. Find out what is pleasing to the Lord Jesus, what is on His heart, what He desires. 

Today, Everlasting, Everlasting God, How Great Is Our God, Speak To Me, Lord You Have My Heart, My All In All, Hope Of The Nations

The Bread of Life

In a nutshell, the message for me this week is:
God is providing for us everyday and always throughout our lives, but, we must take the time to pray to Him, ask for help and listen to what is on His heart, so we know His will and don't get distracted by our own plans. Just sitting quietly is part of it, waiting for the Holy Spirit to strengthen us and bring the wisdom that we need to live our lives.

From the Revised Common Lectionary, August 5/12:
 Exodus 16: 2-4, 9-15
The Lord always provides. In the wilderness God gave them manna to eat until they had crops to feed themselves in the promised land. God provides what you need now, and will make provision for the future if needed as He did in the wilderness. There was always double manna on the sixth day to provide for the sabbath, when they were to rest and no manna was given to gather. Also everyone was able to collect enough for their household so no one was without.
John 6:35
Jesus is the bread of life. He is our provision. In Him we have all that is promised here now on Earth and in eternity.
In reading further, I see in verse 45 Jesus says that all will be taught by God. The reference is Isaiah 54:13.
That chapter foretells of a time when God will teach the people and care for them. God will build them a city of rubies, sapphires and precious stones! He is more than extravagant in His provision. I think that God is trying to tell us that nothing is too hard for him to provide for us here on Earth, if it is so incredible in Heaven. We can believe that, no matter how impossible it looks here, we will be provided for.

From Joyce Myer's telecast August 2/12
Luke 22:39
Jesus went somewhere to be alone to pray habitually. That's how He gained wisdom and strength to do all that God told Him to do. He always made the time for it so He knew the Father's will. In the Garden, before His arrest, He pleaded with the disciples to pray so they would not give in to temptation. To take that time with God was the only way Jesus could follow through with God's plan and not back away out of fear. He was afraid, but was strengthened by God to do it.
Isaiah 40: 31 tells us that those who wait upon the Lord find new strength, they will fly like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.

How much time have you given towards your relationship with Jesus? Is it enough for you to know the way for YOU?

Songs: Everlasting ( Doerksen & Matt), Lord I Lift Your Name On High, Everlasting God(Brenton Brown), Only You, You Are Everything ( Brian Doerksen), Just To Be With You ( Paup Baloche), We Bow Down, Hosanna( Baloche & Brown)
Some songs on You Tube!

Check out Treasures in your trials, click here!

Saturday 21 July 2012

This Man Jesus....

Coming soon- don't miss it!

Treasure in your trial!

Presents or presence? There is a treasure in your trial! 
Joyce Myer, July 19/12 

It's been said that we should seek the giver of the gifts, not the gifts! God does supply our needs and He will give us the wisdom and talents we need for our lives and to do His will. So why not seek Him instead of trying to do things by our own strength? 

Trials come and they seem to just be a nuisance. But they do have a purpose as Joyce says. They develop character in us so we can enjoy our lives and be prepared to do God's work. As we learn and do those things we are inspired to do, we will reap rewards.The answer to whatever situation we find ourselves in may be just around the corner. But are we ready? Make the time to listen. Let God prepare you and inspire you!

Watch your tongue!

Notes on Joyce Myer's program, Enjoying Everyday Life,  July 10/12.
If you use your mouth as you are supposed to, you will see more answers to prayer and they will come quicker. Isaiah 58:9.
Ephesians 5: 18 says we are to be ever filled with the Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit fill and control you. He will fill your hearts with praise and thanksgiving to God.
The way you talk to yourself about yourself is the most important thing for you to pay attention to! <If life and death are in the tongue, which one are you ministering to yourself everyday?> You need to say about yourself what God is saying. You cannot rise above your own confession. We must be saying the same things that the Word of God is saying. Do not speak out of your feelings or understanding. Don't confess the problem over and over, confess the answer. Call those things which are not as though they were. Say to yourself, the joy of the Lord is my strength! Fight for your life by your confessions. Do warfare with darkness by the words of your mouth.
Proverbs 18: 20-21. Words are life or death. You feed yourself with your words. You can encourage yourself or depress yourself with your words. What you say to yourself about yourself can open or close a door to the devil. refuse to complain, criticize or judge wrongly.
Isaiah 5:8 says there is healing in your words! Whatever is in your heart will come out in your words, so be sure to feed yourself only on good positive things!
Six things to say on purpose:
1) You have the power to bless or curse, so bless and don't curse. Why keep saying things that subtract from your life? Stop saying things that opens doors for the devil to steal everything that Jesus died for you to have! Complaining does not agree with God. If you agree with God, you will have all that He wants to give you! 
Numbers 6:23-27, Deuteronomy 28: 2-13, James 3:10.
2)Psalm 100:4. Be thankful and say so. Tell people you appreciate them, and thank God always for all that He has done. 1 Thessalonians 5:18,19. Don't quench the Holy Spirit by complaining. While you are waiting for God to answer prayer, thank Him for it!
3) Encourage others. Don't be weary in well doing, keep it up till you see results. Proverbs 15:4.
4)Ephesians 4:15. Always tell the truth. It's the truth that makes you free. The Holy Spirit leads into all truth.
John 4:23-24. God is seeking those who will worship Him in Spirit and truth.
5) Speak the Word of God. Keep hitting your problems with the "hammer of God's Word" again and again 'till it splits open! Jeremiah 23: 29. Speak to those dry bones and they will rise up and live! Ezekiel 37:1-14. Take authority over the problems in your life. The Word is power and life. Come into agreement with it and God will answer your prayers. When you speak the Word over your problems, they will change.
6) Don't talk too much. Manage your speaking. Don't say things mindlessly. Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to get angry! Proverbs 10:19, Proverbs 17:27-28.

Hold Your Peace!

Notes on Joyce Myer's program, Enjoying Everyday Life, July 9/12.
James 1: 2-5. There is a treasure in your trial. When you go through a trial, let this be the first thing that comes out of your mouth. Watch what you say, use wisdom with your words. Your words have power! They can carry your faith to the Kingdom of Heaven and release angels to help you. Or, they can carry your fear to the kingdom of darkness and release more trouble in your life.
We have faith, but it must be released. It's released through words and action. If you are waiting for prayers to be answered, then confess the answer in faith, call those things which are not yet as though they are now. Let's not bow to our feelings and confess that we believe God is working for good and will bring the answers.
Isaiah 53:7. He was like a lamb being led to the slaughter, but He didn't open His mouth. When Jesus was arrested, beaten and led to the cross, He did not open His mouth to say anything negative. He would not give the devil anything to work with. He was not going to let His feelings or the temptation of the devil make Him say something that would give the devil any power. This was a time when Jesus was in great anguish. It was an eternal battle and an emotional one so He kept His mouth shut and trusted God.
When times are tough and emotions are running high, don't speak out of your feelings. Get away somewhere alone and calm yourself. Ask God for the grace, His strength to say and do the right things.Don't shoot your mouth off. Don't let your ego try to defend itself. Trust God and speak wisely.
James 3 and 4. When you give testimony, don't brag. Don't say things that are between you and God. Speak those things God has given you permission. Don't complain, don't criticize, don't speak negatively, not even jokingly. Remember that your words have power. God created with His words and we are created in His image, so through Christ we have that opportunity too.
Numbers 13: 27. Ten of the spies judged by what they saw and said there was no way they could fight the enemy. Two spies wanted to go fight right away because they believed God gave them the victory, and in the end they won the battle. Don't look at the circumstances, do what God says to do and trust Him that He does know the answer. Things aren't always as they appear.

God's Provision

RCL  July 29/12

2Kings 4:39-41
God can make a toxic environment safe for His people!
Psalm 145: 10-18
The Lord is faithful in all He does. 
He comes to all those who call on Him sincerely.
Ephesians 3: 14-21
God gives mighty inner strength through His Holy Spirit.
Genesis 18: 1-14
Is anything too hard for the Lord?
Exodus 24: 1-11
They were able to commune with God and have fellowship in His presence because they were sprinkled with blood. That blood confirmed the covenant they had with God, which at that time was the law. Since Jesus came, His blood covering us confirms 
the new covenant with God. 
That is righteousness by faith in Christ.
Isaiah 25: 6-10
God will remove forever all the insults and mockery
against His land and people.
Psalm 111
How amazing are God's deeds!
All should ponder them!
He has paid a full ransom for His people.
He has guaranteed His covenant with them forever.

God does satisfy the needs of every living thing. Our first need because of sin was to be united again with God. So Jesus' perfect sacrifice makes it possible for us to be in God's presence once more. He does care for us, meeting our needs in this physical world. He provides food and shelter, but we must ask for it. God is communicating to us, but are we willing to listen? God wants to provide everything for us, but He wants us to come to Him and fellowship with Him.

Suggested songs
Lord You Have My Heart, Speak To Me, Here I Am To Worship, Jesus Name Above All Names, Amazed, Arms Of Love, 
(message and communion)
You Are Everything ( Brian Doerkson ), How Great Is Our God

The Greatest King Ever!!

Nut Shell
God made King David great for the sake of the people. He did it so that they would have a safe and prosperous place to live. He also did it to secure the lineage of Jesus so that he could come to Earth and die for us thus securing our place in Heaven. Because of Jesus' obedience and pure sacrifice, God raised him from the dead to become the greatest king forever!

What I see in these Old Testament passages is the proof that God loves all of us and provides for us, taking good care of all our needs. I believe He may allow us to reap consequences if we become selfish and stop doing the things He has told us to do, but that is for our own good to keep us from our own demise. His deep love for us never changes and during those times He still protects us and waits for us to return so He can help us.

This psalm speaks of how God lovingly cares for us throughout our lives.

2 Samuel 5: 1-12, 7: 1-14
God made David's kingdom great for the sake of the people. God loved His people and when they cried out to Him for help, He answered mightily! It was His plan to build them into a mighty nation so they would be safe from attack and He also wanted to prosper them, giving them abundance so they could enjoy life and take care of the poor among them. If they did not keep their faith in God, and did not obey Him, then He allowed hard times to come upon them so they would not become selfish in their thinking and attitude and destroy themselves. Everything God did for them was for their own good. 
It's the same today. If we keep following what God is showing us to do with our lives, we will have joy and peace and abundance so we can give to others.

Psalm 89: 20-37
God promised David that his dynasty would last forever. That promise is fulfilled through the reign of Jesus, who was of David's lineage. God secured David's lineage to Jesus. All the promises and blessings prophesied over David are over Jesus too. God's unfailing love, power and authority rests on Jesus always. Jesus is God's first born son and the mightiest king above all. God's covenant with Jesus will never be broken. His throne will last forever. (Also in Hebrews 1:8 )
And all that belongs to Jesus we inherit too. We will even sit with him on his throne.( Ephesians 2 ) All the while, we have God's favour, protection and provision during our lives here on Earth. All this has been accomplished because Jesus died  for us on the cross.

Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Jesus is all that God, his father is and he demonstrated that in the love and compassion he showed those in need while he lived on Earth. He gave us the perfect example of how we are to live. He did it all by the power of God's Spirit, which is given to us so we can do the same works.

Suggested songs:
Today, Hope of the Nations, Above All, How Great Is Our God 
Message, communion,  We Bow Down
Here I Am To Worship, Jesus Name Above All Names
Benediction, prayer
Your Love Oh Lord
Arms Of Love

Taken from RCL July 22/12

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Heirs of God

Psalm 85: 8-13
Salvation, honour, abundance, all spiritual blessings are poured out on those who listen to God and follow what He says. God is good and does what He says and blesses those who turn to Him.
This must be practised in every situation if we want God's help, or things could go wrong at that time, and then we tend to blame God, but really- did we give Him the chance to help us?

Ephesians 1: 3-14
Because Christ died for our sins, we who accept that belong to Him and we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the Heavenly realm. If that is true, then we surely have everything we need here on Earth to do God's will. Verse 8 says that God showered His kindness on us with all wisdom and understanding, so we can claim that we have His smarts too! Verses 13-14 tell us that God identified us as His own by giving us the Holy Spirit. That guarantees us that He will give us everything that He promised and proves we are His people. The Holy Spirit gives us that feeling of God's presence and His love.
Chapter 2, verse 6-10 shows us that we are raised from the dead with Christ and we are seated with Him in the Heavenly realm. We are created new in Christ so we can do the things that God planned for us to do.
Revised Common Lectionary, July 15/12

Through The Crusade Analytical Study Bible chain reference:
John 1:12  All who believe in Jesus have the right to become a child of God.
Romans 8: 15-17, 29-30  We are adopted into God's family through Christ and therefore share in all that belongs to Him. God chose us to become brothers and sisters to His Son Jesus. Then He caused us to come to Him, gave us right standing and promised us His glory. 
2Corinthians 6: 16-18  We are God's temple for He lives in us and we are His children.
Galatians 4: 3-7  Christ died for us to free us from the judgement of the law. Through His sacrifice we are children of God and therefore everything He has belongs to us too.
1John 3: 1-3  How much God loves us that He would allow us to become His own children!
          4: 13-17  God has given us His Spirit as proof that He lives in us and we in Him.

What is it that we have?
Power to love, forgive and live as Jesus did on Earth. Everything we need to do whatever God has called us to do in this life, including the wisdom, the finances, courage and help of others as we need it. He always provides.

Why don't we always experience it?
In our daily lives, maybe we don't always take the time we need to hear the what, how when and where from God. Sometimes we get excited, too passionate about things and get working hard on our own ideas.
Things  on Earth deteriorate in time if they are misused or not properly maintained. It's the same with everything including relationships, ministry, our bodies.
The contaminators are- strife, judging unfairly, hatred, fear based on misunderstanding or lack of information, hurting others, selfishness.
The rust inhibitors are- forgiveness, kindness, encouraging words, honesty, love.

I believe if we don't know what to do- then just being the good neighbour, living in love and doing good to others with a cheerful heart is all we need to keep on our journey.
And in that sometimes we need the Holy Spirit ! 
Remember, we are children of God and the Holy Spirit will always guide us in the ways of love! That is where the real power lies!
We are love, we are power.

Songs (Suggested flow)

My Redeemer

We can come into God's House boldly because we belong to Christ.
The blood of Christ has cleansed us and the Holy Spirit bears witness in our hearts that we belong to God.

All The Heavens / Arms of Love / I Adore You ( Jesus Culture) / Amazed ( Jared Anderson)
Only You
communion,meditation- Holy Spirit Come
Abba Father ( Jim Glaab & Jon Neilson)