Saturday 30 May 2020

Songs for summer 2020

  As the world keeps spinning round
Can we rise to the demands it brings?
Can we change to the ways that are sustainable. 

Changed, Jordan Feliz 

What are we looking for?
Why are we running on empty?
We are never at home until we connect 
to the love from which we came.

There was fire put in us to push us to try,
to search and to ask questions.
We are creative and must put energy and passion into finding our way! 
Reason, Unspoken 

But we are in a weakened state to test us!
Are we willing to seek out and follow the way 
that leads to life for us and those around us?
And in a good and fair way??

Human Condition, Unspoken

Finding your way, finding who you are and finding your life,
Is like the first Spring day that ever happened.
Fresh, new, high in the clouds kinda love! 
Most have to search long and sometimes hard,
but it is worth it!!

Till I Found You, Phil Wickham 

Life can lift you but sometimes it lets you drop!
Ask and you will receive. Just be honest and ask.
Sometimes there is a wait but the answer always comes.
The best answer for you!

I Just Need U, Tobymac

Does it sound stupid? God revealed through Jesus Christ.
If you simply ask, God will come to you and show you the way-
to love, to hope, to life!

Friday 1 May 2020

May 2020, Flowers are popping up everywhere!

Never surrender! 
Never surrender to fear, to depression, to anxiety!

You have light within you!
   When it's dark, when it's cold you have 
the love and light in you to show the way home!

There is colour springing up every where! 
Take nature's cue to come alive inside!

Let the sunshine in! 
Let the light in you shine out
for all to see and be inspired!

What we are praying for:

God have mercy on us and help us through this pandemic. 
In view of the state of the world we are praying the same as last month.

God, help everyone who is afraid to feel your peace. Help us all to make the right choices that will bring healing to ourselves and the planet.
God, help all those in authority positions make the right decisions to stop the spread of the corona virus. 
Please help those working in the health care system to speed the discovery of a vaccine. 
Please help those in manufacturing to make the supplies needed safe and effective and get them to the places needed on time.
God, have mercy on us and help us to change our ways to those that will bring healing to all.

God we also pray for everyone who has depression, anxiety 
or other  mental issues that you send your peace, 
your reassurance, your comfort,
and the sense of your presence being ever near!
God help everyone to remain at peace in their homes.
Help those who suffer abuse find a way to escape to a safe place.
Bring healing and peace to those who are tempted to fight and resort to violence.
Thank you in Jesus' name,

 Encouragements from scriptures

Isaiah 40:31.
 As we wait patiently for the weather to warm up,
 those who wait for God shall be renewed in strength and hope!
Philippians 4:6,7.  
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. 
Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  
Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.
 His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

1 Peter 5:7.  
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

2 Corinthians 5:17, 18. 
The old life and it's ways has gone
A new life has begun in us and this is from God who has brought us to that life 
through what Christ did for us on the cross!

Galatians 5:22-25. 
The Holy Spirit develops the  nature of Christ in us. 
That grows in us like good fruit!

 Peace and health to everyone!
Thank you for praying with us!

Much more to come so stay tuned!!