Thursday 16 January 2014

Life continues...
New Year Resolutions 2014

Romans 8: 1-16
If we live by the sinful nature; that is, our selfishness, we will reap destruction to our lives and death. But, if by the Holy Spirit we stop doing what our selfish nature wants, good things will come to us and we will receive eternal life when we die. If you think you can live life successfully on your own strength, then you are deceived. The Holy Spirit leads you into the truth about all things. The Holy Spirit will lead you away from the things that will hurt you and into the things that are truly helpful to your life. In the short run it might not appear that way, but, in the long term it becomes evident.
The Holy Spirit changes your heart and mind into that of Christ so that you will find it comes naturally to do the things that God planned for you to do during your life on Earth.
Before Jesus came to Earth, we followed the law in the Old Testament of the Bible, but, since He has come and died for us, now we can live by the new life in the Spirit. You can try to live a good life following the teachings of Christ on your own strength or  you can let the Holy Spirit transform you into the image of Christ. Then doing good will come naturally. The Holy Spirit transforms you and empowers you to live as Christ did.
We are children of God through Christ. When we accept Christ into our hearts, the Holy Spirit brings the presence of God into our hearts and let's us know that we are children of God.
2Corinthians 5:17, 18a
The old life is gone and the new life in the Spirit has come. When a person accepts Christ into their heart, 
the Holy Spirit transforms that person into the likeness of Christ. 

Galatians 5: 1-6 
Christ has really set us free. You must put your faith in Him. The law can never make you righteous and what God really wants is you expressing your faith in Jesus through loving others. If you trust God, you will not be afraid to show love to others. Showing love can make you vulnerable to getting hurt, so you must trust God to be able to do it. Again, this is only possible by the help of the Holy Spirit.

Galatians 6: 15,16
Phillipians 3:12-14
Phillpians 3:3
Hebrews 12:12

To be continued, thoughts on these scriptures to follow.

Songs: Abba Father, You Are Everything, I Lift My Eyes Up, Breathe,
Only You, You Love Never Fails, Jesus At The Center

December 2013
Fall 2013