Monday 22 June 2015

Pride Prayer Walk Map

Here is the map for the Pride Prayer Walk.
We will stop at most intersections depending on the locations of booths.
No need to prepare, I will instruct you at the beginning and
throughout the walk and you will be given bulletins to follow.
We pray for the LGBTQI Community here in downtown Toronto and throughout the world.

We pray for the neighbourhood that surrounds
 the Church and Wellesley Village.

Thursday 4 June 2015

2015 Pride Prayer Walk


Join us for a prayer walk 
Sunday June 28th, 10am.
Meet us at Church and Bloor St.
Southeast corner by the Starbucks.


A great way to start our day of celebrations! 
Walk with us through the Church and Wellesley Village 
to Mcct's Church on Church St. Pride Service
 at Church and Wood St. On our way we will sing familiar songs 
and pray for God's Spirit to fill people's hearts so they will know they are loved!

For more information, email:

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Come Just as You Are


JUNE 2015 PRIDE!!!

This month's theme:

COME OUT! Spiritually !!
Come out and let your own unique God given gifts shine for all to see! 
Then those around you will feel that they can do the same.
That's the way the world becomes a better place!

What we are praying for:

Pray that people in the LGBTQI Community will  recognise their God given talents and will COME OUT 
and let those talents flow through them to the benefit of all!

Matthew 5: 14-16. Come out and let your light shine so people will benefit from your gifts!
Colossians 1:9-14. Come out and let wisdom lead you!
Ephesians 5:18-20. Come out and be filled with the Spirit! Come out with a thankful heart!

Come out spiritually, accepting yourself as God does, and recognise your calling, your unique purpose on Earth!

Come out to yourself, come out to your world, and be YOU, so your story will be told and others will be encouraged!

Thank you for continuing to pray for our community! Be the best you!