Thursday 1 October 2020

October 2020



Be thankful for what you do have!

Remember to be kind and encourage others  

as much as you can during these difficult times!


 For Halloween Pics click on: 20192018 

 Let's be thankful for all the good things we have!

Good food, good home, good friends, good memories!!

Let's spread love and joy to all our family and friends,

and don't forget those in our neighbourhood who are in need!

Give as you can to those who have suffered loss.

Let God's peace and love fill your heart to guide you!

Grateful, Empty Hands Music, click here!

Fall back in love with yourself, click here!


Diligently seek ways you can be involved in this world 

and share love through your talents!

Be thankful for your talents and share them!

A Sky Full Of Stars, click here!

What we are praying for:


God, we pray that people everywhere during this season will feel a
strong sense of gratitude for their lives, for their talents, for their blessings and be freed to share love through them.

God, we pray that families will be reunited, restored and their hearts filled with peace and love. We pray that those who feel alone will find peace in their hearts and find family among friends. May those who have lost loved ones feel your peace and comfort and find joy in their memories especially during the seasonal times of celebration. Help those who have suffered loss of any kind to receive your comfort that heals and your light that brings clear direction.
God, help all authorities to make the right decisions concerning the Corona Virus Pandemic. Help all countries
to work together in stopping the spread of the virus and producing a vaccine.

God, help the authorities in each country to make the right decisions concerning systemic racism. Help them to listen to the people and solve the problems brought to them.

God, help our world leaders and governments to negotiate peacefully. Please help each government to work for the well being of the people of their country. Help each country to achieve peace in their streets and fairness in their government.

Scriptures and meditations:

Phillipians 4:6 English Standard Version. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Colossians 2: 6-7 <Walk with God throughout your life and let the Holy Spirit fill your heart with thankfulness towards God, for God is faithful no matter the circumstances and will answer your needs.>

Matthew 5:14- 16. You are the light of the world... Let your good deeds shine out for all to see....

Thank you for praying with us!!


Songs for fall 2020


A Sky Full Of Stars, Coldplay          Fix You, Coldplay                                      

Grateful, Empty Hands Music         Being Kind, Empty Hands Music    

Keep Loving, Empty Hands Music