Sunday 31 January 2016

Jon Foreman - "Your Love Is Strong"


Another song that could be used for February's prayers.
Part of the Lord's prayer is used in the lyrics and the song could be sung as a prayer.

February, The Month Of Love!!


February Prayers

This month let's remember that God does really love us and that his love can be found in Jesus Christ and his actions toward us,
not just in his death for us but in his communicating with us every day.
What we are praying for:

Let's pray that everyone in the LGBTQI Community will sense God's love and know they are not alone,
that God is with them all the time, and that they allow God's love to fill their hearts, 
so they can love themselves and those around them.

This month's theme:

God's love is there for us and is enough! God is watching over us in every area of our lives. 
God's love is the safe harbour, the anchor of our souls! 
God's love gives us the strength to face life's challenges!

How do we know that God loves us?

1 John 3:16a, John 3:16, Romans 5:8
God showed his love for us by sending his son to die for us.

Romans 8: 32, 38-39
If God would give up his son for us, wouldn't he give us all our needs too?
Nothing in all creation will ever be able to seperate us from the love of God 
that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Ephesians 2:4,5
God loves us so much that he gave us eternal life when he raised Christ
from the dead.

Let the Holy Spirit fill your heart with God's love. It will strengthen you, inspire you and bring you peace, joy and healing throughout your life!


Saturday 2 January 2016

Winter Blues!

January Prayers


Happy New Year!!

It's not about making “New Year's Resolutions”. It's about choosing the light every day of the year! Our bodies are renewing cells and healing themselves every moment. Just the same we need to choose those things that bring us healing, peace and joy into our lives every day.

What we are praying for:

Let's pray that everyone in the LGBTQI Community accept God's love
and not be afraid to ask God for help in their lives.

This month's theme:

We can look at “New Year's Resolutions” in different ways.

  1. Same old, but, in new perspective. Change the way you look at your life if everything has to remain the same.
  1. Same old, but, done in a new way. Breathe new life into old bones.
    The change is as good as a rest! Tweak instead of overhaul!
  1. Learn new tricks. Do something new, learn new ways of doing things, go down a different path, go down a new path, do new things within
    your comfort zone that are still familiar so you don't feel lost or get out of your comfort zone and try completely different things to stretch and grow! 

It's your life, your story that you are writing, so there is no right or wrong, just lessons to be learned! Remember who your source is.
God is your strength! God is your guide!


God is in the details! God will cover you in the old and the new, the familiar and the strange! God's got your back!!

Ephesians 2:10. The Holy Spirit will enable us to do God's work on Earth.
God will raise us up to live with him in Heaven.

2 Corinthians 12: 8-11. When I am weak, the Holy Spirit is strong within
me and enables me to do God's will and changes
me into the likeness of Christ.

John 3: 27-36. God in Heaven appoints each person's work.
God becomes greater and greater, we become less. 

Psalm 118: 13-14. The Lord is my strength and song,
God has become my victory.

Psalm 37: 23. God delights in every detail of our lives!
And not to judge, but to help, for our best interest! 

Remember where strength and love comes from!
Thank you for your prayers!
All the best to you for this year!

Christmas pics!