Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Gta Prayer Walks goes to the Miss Gay Universe Pageant 2015!

I'm thankful to have witnessed so much talent and so much love. The participants in the pageant have such a message of love and being true to self and they communicate it in such a beautiful way it blows my mind! May they continue to live out their message and express it in creative ways.

Here is the speech I gave at the pageant. Jennete, the co-host helped by doing the prompts italicised. n the photo below you see me with Chris Edwards, the host of the pageant.

                                   2015 Pageant Speech                      
Hi! I'm James.    
Thank you for giving us a chance to share with you
what is happening on the street in the Church and Wellesley Village.

Do you believe in the power of love? I see a lot of love here tonight and I see a lot of love in our community.
Do you believe in the power of prayer?

Prayer? Whad'a ya talkin' about??
Well, we've all heard that prayer is asking for something. Sometimes what we need is just a question away! But, what about a kind thought, a strong desire that someone close to you does well.
It's all heard throughout the universe. Every thought, every desire inside of you is heard. All of us have  love, wisdom, truth, a piece of the universe, a piece of God if you will, inside us.
There's a message inside of you that if you listen to and live by,
you will be the truth, the beauty and the power you dreamed of.
The magic is inside of you to know who you are and
what your life is about.

Sooo James, what's your message?
I just want to tell you that every month a few of us  go for a walk through the Church and Wellesley Village and we pray as we go.
We pray for those struggling, those who are ill, we pray for the volunteers, and the activists fighting for our rights, and we pray for you, everyone here. We pray for everyone who lives, works and plays in the Village and the surrounding neighbourhood.

We are not trying to convert anyone to any religion. We just want to encourage everyone in their own spiritual awareness. Whatever that means to you and whatever way works for you.

I'm sooo busy, how can I remember all that?
Well, I've brought you some presents!
I've brought wrist bands! They have on one side THE POWER OF LOVE and on the other they have THE POWER OF PRAYER,
so you can turn it to the one you feel the strongest.
And different colours!
There's even one with the colours of the transgendered flag!

The idea is to use it to remind yourself to take care of your spirit,
that message inside of you, the truth for you that brings healing and guides you through your life. Feel free to take one, they're free!!
I love them! How can we keep in touch?
On the inside of the band there is an email address,
gtaprayerwalks@gmail.com, so you can look us up if you want to join us for a walk in the village, or if you just want to know more information as to what we are doing, drop us a line.
Take one of our cards. That has the address to our blog site.
There  you can see the monthly prayers and music videos!
And there's more- we ARE working on a new website
and we can send you the link when it's complete. The new website will include  other activities we are doing on the street. 
Like what activities James?
Well, like promoting - spiritual awareness at the
Halloween Street Party - in full costume! We'll have a fabulous time!
I can't wait!
So feel free to send us your prayer requests! We're here for you!
Send us your comments, what would “Church on the Street”
look like to you? We would love to hear from you!
REMEMBER, nothing is black and white, right or wrong!
Things aren't always the way they appear!
The magic is inside of you to know the truth for your life!
Thank you for your time!

We were well received and many took wrist bands!
Thank you all for your prayers!

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